Our under-construction track is looking awesome. Check out this drone footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTIhXF3zVvE The track will be 800m, so 8 laps to make a mile. Won't it be great to get our children moving?!!
over 3 years ago, Pacific Union PTO
A few of our teachers have DonorChoose projects active this fall. https://www.donorschoose.org/donors/search.html?includeNearbyLocations=true&school=78661
over 3 years ago, Pacific Union PTO
PTO meeting tonight! Newcomer orientation is first, 6-6:30pm, followed by the September meeting at 6:30pm. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82521950489?pwd=c2duV1A0ZjdybnZHcnU1eW8xK2xhZz09
over 3 years ago, Pacific Union PTO
PUPTO pawprint
Picture Day is Friday, 9/3/21.
over 3 years ago, Tami Davies-Hughes
Reminder: TK/K parents can drop students off at the classroom door. First thru 8th graders will walk into school independently. Pacific Union hallways will be open on Tuesday and Wednesday from 4-5pm. To help your student feel confident, take advantage of this time to walk the route together! Class lists will be posted on the office windows at 4pm on Tuesday.
over 3 years ago, Pacific Union PTO
Child looking at map
Things are ramping up on campus as Pacific Union School prepares for the unknown and plans for the best possible way to educate our amazing students. One of the areas the school would like to further develop is the arboretum, hoping to maximize our outdoor seating there. It would be nice to offer more areas to sit on natural surfaces (stumps, logs, etc). --Do you have access to stumps, logs, etc.? --If we find a source, would you be able to help haul materials to the school? Please reach out and we can connect you to the maintenance director. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Pacific Union PTO
The Pacific Union Arboretum, currently a large open grassy area with trees and shrubs around the edges and a very small number of benches in view.